Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Phantom of the Opera (Reposted from my old blog)

Growing up from an all girls’ school that teaches its grade schoolers to understand and appreciate stage plays and Shakespeare it is but normal that I am up until now a lover of theatre. However my interest for musicals encompasses straight plays, it is safe to say that I loooove musicals. I would watch old movies (because a lot of them are musicals) and I remember watching Camelot both on stage and on LASER DISC (for the younger generation who is reading this blog: a laser disc is a giant version of a CD) Hello Dolly, King & I, West Side Story, Grease (again in Laser Disc--- the giant version of a CD) and the list can go on & on! But my passion for musicals did not stop there --- I collected cassette tapes (whoa! That was a real long time ago!) of musicals and Disney Soundtracks (which I consider a musical even if it is animated.) When I am asked what my favorite “type” of music is, I go “BROADWAY!” (yeah imagine the look on people’s faces when I say that! Hahaha! Their faces read: Huh? What’s that? Or Weird!) At any rate let me reiterate that --- I LOVE MUSICALS. However I remember the time when I first popped my cassette tape of The Phantom of the Opera (Original London Cast with Michael Crawford & Sarah Brightman) in my walkman (yeah that was some years back) I DID NOT LIKE IT! It was all so operatic & my young untrained ears cannot seem to comprehend the music… So, the cassette tape stayed in my collection and was never to be popped in any cassette player up until before The Phantom of the Opera movie was released in cinemas back in 2005.Don’t get me wrong, I loved the most famous songs from the musical: Music of the Night, All I Ask of You & The Phantom of the Opera. But that’s just it…. Unlike my other well-loved musicals, this particular one I did not really know… So after 10 years, I popped the cassette tape on a cassette player (for those ipod generation peeps ---- yes there are still cassette players) this time wanting to find out and understand the story. The most amazing thing happened --- I fell in love with the music (I guess age has something to do with the comprehending part) --- it evoked feelings of confusion, passion, pain and beauty that at that time just did not make sense. But it was mesmerizing, one with great mystery and so much emotion. So, when I heard that there will be a movie version that was being done based on the musical I grabbed the book of which Andrew Lloyd Weber based it on: Le’ Fantome L’ Opera by Gaston Leroux (thank you Kuya Mario & Angel for lending the book to me.) The book I read was already translated in English (Of course! Or else I would not be able to read it.) However, at the time I borrowed the book I treated it more of a research and a prep before watching the film version. The book was utterly beautiful! Kuya Mario said it is a good read but I never expected to be hooked in it --- the same feelings of confusion, passion, pain, beauty and great mystery revolved in the book and as a reader one can really FEEL the story. Gaston Leroux was successful in involving his readers and hypnotized them into the story --- when I closed the book it felt like I knew the Phantom, met him and understood him through Kristine’s eyes.At this point it has occurred to me that my blog is over long but I still can’t seem to stop raving about my experience with The Phantom…I want to go straight to the day I watched the movie. I just got off from work and my boyfriend Dong picked me up. Since I came from a graveyard shift I was out at around 9.30am on a Wednesday --- the first day that The Phantom of the Opera is showing in movie houses. It has been months now since I have been pestering Dong that we WILL HAVE TO WATCH this particular movie. So on that blessed day, we went to Alabang Town Center and watched the first screening of The Phantom of the Opera on its opening day here in the Philippines! (yippee!!! Just imagine how giddy I was!) Finally! The Phantom of the Opera in big screen! (I just realized now that there must have been millions of people who felt the same way as I did before watching this film.) I must say that from the opening of the movie ‘til the credits I was truly mesmerized…. Same effect as the book, the aftershock was still the same…. It never died down --- if anything it has “heightened my imagination.” I was speechless the whole time the movie was showing…the music took me into the depths of the characters’ thoughts, emotions and dilemmas. Gerard Butler’s acting was impeccable! (After seeing him in 300 I must say that he is one great actor!) No other Phantom can be as sexy and demented as he has portrayed the role by capturing the character’s madness and tenderness. Emmy Rossum is indeed an angel incarnated for the role, her voice is beautiful --- one that everyone can understand and grasp. At a young age of 17 when this film was shot her acting was realistic… it was through her that the audience was able to see and understand the story that revolved around the mystery of the Phantom’s existence. Of course Patrick Wilson is perfect for his role as Raol for he has epitomized Romeo in flesh, a great looking guy with an oh soooo beautiful voice! What is so amazing is that the book, stage version and the film have been so consistent with its outcome. They all have touched, shocked and mesmerized its audiences! See, Dong is not much a fan of musicals and I just dragged him to watch the film. As a singer he has sang some of the songs from this musical on stage and like me, he never really understood the depth of the songs. But through the duration of the film both him and I was so wrapped up with the story that we found ourselves wide eyed, open-mouthed, teary eyed and for the first time really comprehending the songs. This movie is a must watch! A Joel Shcumacher film, screenplay and produced by Andrew Lloyd Webber himself. It will not disappoint its viewers both theatre enthusiasts and not. It may differ and depart from the usual conception of theatre enthusiasts’ expectations of the film but what it is --- is heightened reality… One that the stage could not in its full glory gives its audience. Imagine a 105 piece orchestra, this could not have been possibly done on live staging, it is one reason alone for people to watch the film and grab a copy of the soundtrack.Words will lack, as you can see I have done an overlong review and yet there is still so much that I would like to share --- thoughts, facts and wonder (I’ll probably do a series of blogs on this topic hehehe.) I suggest that you grab a copy of the movie and read the book --- experience it on your own… How to do that? Let’s take the Phantom’s advise: “silently the senses abandon their defenses… grasp it sense it…listen to the music of the night… close your eyes and let your spirit start to soar” After doing all the reading, watching and listening, don’t forget to share your thoughts with me!

Note: Grabbed from the web