Monday, December 24, 2007

merry christmas!

this year is quite different from the ones that passed. we will be missing our loved ones --- my lolo and my papa. but as we celebrate christmas tonight our family reminds me so much of the kind of love that the Lord is giving His children.

my brother and I amidst the sad times has a family that loves and brings happiness to us.... to the rest of you who feels alone and depressed --- put your heads above the water, try to look, feel the breeze, smell the sweet scent of love...

Merry Christmas everyone! May the Lord God bless you!

Monday, December 10, 2007

christmas rush

bustling streets with cars...

late night hours in crowded malls...

bright lights, greens, reds... its the christmas rush.

busy busy busy...

unending wedding invititations, parties right and left

late nights in the office

deadlines that could not be met

happy songs

loud voices

clear fresh air

'tis the season

a blur of events...

i could not stop

debts pile up

emotions go hay wire

outpouring of money for meaningless gift-giving

i drown myself with work to cover for the emptiness

christmas rush ----

an overflowing rush of meaninglessness.

i am a mere observer looking through a glass ball of pretense.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

dispensing tears

the sadness is still in my heart but by the grace of God i can feel His warm hug, constant companionship and a whisper of love as i live through the day

thank you Lord for always giving me a kiss good morning and whispering to me that all is well....

please tell papa i love him....

Monday, December 3, 2007

surviving everyday

... its getting harder everyday, more melancholy for each passing hour. i did not think that i would feel the deep sadness that i am feeling right now. i guess i miss papa.... i miss the what if's and the should have beens....

Friday, November 30, 2007

good bye papa...

i did not realize that time was too short... how i wish that i did not waste my time being estranged towards you.... how i wish that i was able to give you a last squeeze of a hug, last smack on the cheeks, my last i love you pa before you slept forever...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

In the Eyes of a Child

When I was a wee bit younger, writing poems and essays was easy. My head seems to process words artfully which almost instantaneously pours down on my journals. In this light, I would like to share one of the poems I wrote when I was still in college.

In the Eyes of a Child

Flowers sing in the morning
The seas murmur softly
Leaves whisper
In the eyes of an innocent child

Laughter is enchanting
Pain & sorrow is unknown
In the eyes of an innocent child
that peek our world

The world is a constant beauty
Whishes come true
Where the child is,
Nothing is infeasible

Fairies come alive
Fiction is a reality
In the eyes of a child…..
Or is it?

It would have been wonderful
to have the eyes of a child
Where heaven is here
& hell is non-existing.

Monday, November 5, 2007

a prayer

i refuse to succumb to the feeling of emptiness... i don't want to be gnawed by hopelessness and hate... i simply refuse to.

this is reality, days when you just feel like everything is not going to go right. that there will be no way that God would smile on you and actually answer your prayers (for some people its called whinning!) -- this i refuse to succumb to.

right now. tonight. i feel rotten, empty and lazy. i don't feel good today. no feeling of excitement. nothing to look forward to. tomorrow is another day -- but its going to be same old same old. --> these thoughts im fighting --- im trying to reach for the light.

i cry out to God and ask Him to keep me sane, to actually spark my heart with excitement and energy. i refuse to be drabby at work tomorrow and i don't have anyone to run to. so tonight i cry out to God and ask Him to give me joy and happiness.

tonight this is my prayer.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


i'm floating... just floating above the waters waiting for a current to push me. i go through the past few days by making sure that my head is above the water while i stare into space and exist in each day. i wake up in the morning, prepare for work, be at work, go home, cook, open my computer, write, watch grey's anatomy then sleep again. the next day is the same....

the water is calm --- that's not bad, for now i'm enjoying the peace and quiet. is it wonderful? its a wonderful peace... waiting for the current....

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Just got home from work... so tired... got swamped by tons and tons of work... Wahhhh!!! Don't get me wrong I'm enjoying this, the challenge and the non-stop cramming and at the end of the day delivering excellent work! Hmmm... that sounded geeky hehehe....
For now, my companion are deadlines after deadlines after deadlines! I don't want to look ahead, I just want to keep my focus on the here and the right now or else I'm going to drown! Drown from my own worriesome self! With all these things happening at work I'm dissing my holidays ---yeah heard me right! I'm going to work on the 29th- Brgy elections and Nov. 1 - All Souls day.

My family's going to kill me... as it is they already hate me for disappearing from their loving sight....

Welcome to the blogging world!

Wahoo! Finally was able to sit down and create my own blog site! There's nothing more exciting for a writer-wanna-be than to be published and be read by the public. Hmmm.... that's wishful thinking ofcourse! hehehe.... So, if you have any thoughts or want to drop me a note feel free to do so! :)